Summer 2021 – What’s Inside:
With so many of us staying closer to home this summer, technology is making it possible to still enjoy the outside world, as you’ll read in “Online Tourism: See the World from Your Sofa.” Building a kit for emergencies can also be an excellent summer activity, and you can read more about how to make your own “go bag” in this issue.
In “The Great Wealth Transfer,” you’ll learn about how several generations are already experiencing one of history’s largest intergenerational wealth transfers. Whether you’re making decisions about your legacy or thinking about how to responsibly receive an inheritance, you don’t want to miss this article.
How will COVID-19 affect your financial strategy over the long term? In “Pandemic-Proof Your Finances,” we’ll explore how to possibly protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances.
Come what may, we’re here to support you through this season and beyond. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime for any reason.
Spring 2021 – What’s Inside:
In this time of renewal, it makes sense to give yourself room to grow by casting aside the things you no longer need. In that spirit, “Declutter Your Documents” can help you decide what to keep, and what to send on a blind date with your paper shredder. Also, be on the lookout after April 15th for CBFS’s Spring Document Shredding event to further help you through the process.
It turns out, you can’t make an omelet without breaking open your nest egg. Shifting retirement savings into retirement income is tricky. If you’re nearing retirement or already there, “Make Your Money Work for You” provides food for thought as you consider how to fund your golden years.
As spring approaches, “Seedling Today, Garden Tomorrow” can help make your green thumb greener. And for another green twist, check out “A Matcha Made in Heaven” to learn about the tea that’s making a splash around the globe while touting impressive benefits.