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Economic updates

Why Cheri has such Passion for Empowering Women

by Cheri Blair - Interview

The Recent Volatility in the Market, Rising Interest Rates and the Importance of Diversifying Your Portfolio

by Cheri Blair - Don't Panic. Don't Sell. Plan.

Closing the Gender Wage Gap

by Cheri Blair - Beyond the grim statistics, here's five concrete ideas.

The High Cost of a Facade - Financial Literacy

by Cheri Blair - How to use money as a tool to make our lives better, instead of as a goal.

Free to do What Matters - ESG Investing

by Cheri Blair - What is ESG investing, and why it has become so popular?

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Cheri Blair Financial Services
13400 Sabre Springs Parkway, Suite 145
San Diego, CA 92128
Office: 858-935-7808
Cell: 619-997-0416